64 photos; 8:51 video
My Mistress helped me to get into the new leather armbinder dress, when I was inside I was gagged with a ballgag harness and got a chain between my ankle cuffs, so I spent the evening helplessly alone in my bondage room.
73 photos; 11:42 video
I was tied up in a hogtie with leather cuffs and a chain, then mercilessly gagged with tape and in the course of the evening I was also blindfolded with tape. all the wild tugging didn't help me, I was helplessly at their mercy and the remote-controlled vibrator was still humming in my crotch.
58 photos; 8:08 video
This time I was placed outside on a chair and tied up, my hands were first wrapped individually with PVC tape, then tied together with a rigid handcuff. Then they tied my legs together with ropes and I was given a rope harness around my upper body. A large ball gag was fixed in my mouth so that I couldn't call for help. Nipple clamps with heavy weights were clamped to my nipples. At the end I got a remote-controlled vibrator strapped into my crotch which would make sure that I am permanently aroused while I tug at my restraints and hnffffed into my gag while the nipple clamps torment me.
German Version:
Ich wurde diesmal draussen auf einen Stuhl gesetzt und gefesselt, meine Hände wurden zuerst einzeln mit PVC Tape eingewickelt, dann mit einer starren Handschelle zusammengefesselt. Danach fesselten sie meine beine mit seilen zusammen und ich bekam noch ein Seilharness um meinen Oberkörper. Damit ich nicht um Hilfe rufen kann wurde ein grosser Ballknebel in meinem Mund fixiert. An meine Nippel wurden Nippelklammern mit schweren Gewichten geklemmt. Als Abschluss bekam ich noch einen ferngesteuerten Vibrator in meinen Schritt geschnallt der dafür sorgen würde das ich permanent erregt bin während ich an meinen Fesseln zerre und in meinen Knebel hnffffte und mich die Nippelklammern quälen.
37:50 video
Here you can see how renee pulls on her shackles alone after shooting the video clip while the camera is mounted on a tripod and films everything.
91 photos; 10:19 video
Before I was tied up, they made me gloves and stockings with tape, then my legs and hands were tied together with tape and my hands were additionally fastened to the bed with zipties. They put a tape gag on me so that I wouldn't make too much noise. Then they added nipple clamps and a vibrator. So I was totally helpless and could wriggle helplessly for a long time without any chance of release....
4:54 video
Once again I was bound and gagged in my fetish clothes, this time I was wearing a latex panty with cock sheath and latex stockings. My mouth was first gagged with a ball gag harness, then with tape. The very secure bondage was a mix of rope rope and leather cuffs and no matter how much I tugged at it, there was no chance of self release
67 photos; 22:17 video
Goth girl Renee sits helplessly on the couch and tugs helplessly at her restraints, she was gagged with a leather gag. Her arms and legs are bound with leather straps and in her crotch a vibrator works on her orgasm.
123 photos; 8:42 video
I was strapped onto the bondage bed with my arm corsets and ballet boots. A ball gag harness kept me very quiet, no matter how much I tugged at the restraints, I couldn't escape, but I became more and more aroused as the vibrator stimulated me non-stop.....
68 photos; 9:14 video
There I was, once again bound and gagged, this time with tape, my mouth was tightly closed with tape, I could only make soft noises and tug at my restraints, the vibrator stimulated me constantly, it was controlled by my cell phone, I tried to turn it off, but with my hands behind my back it was not possible. So I had no choice but to hope that someone would find me and free me.
79 photos; 30:08 video
Again I was put into my leather leg binder, my hands tied so that I pulled on the nipple clamps with every movement, my mouth was very tightly gagged with tape and my remote-controlled vibrator vibrated under the leather leg binder. So I was allowed to tug helplessly at my leather restraints for a long time...
93 photos; 6:43 video
I was tied up with a rigid cuff and gagged with a harness gag with a mouth shield and my legs were in callet boots and tightly bound together with zipties. Between my legs, as usual, the remote-controlled vibrator worked on my orgasm....
113 photos; 7:56 video
Tape, zipties and a vibrator are enough to make Renee helpless for a long time. Her mouth was gagged with a lot of tape so that it was hardly possible to make a loud noise, the amount of tape on her arms and legs withstands all escape attempts. So she had no choice but to tug a little and make quiet noises in the common gag
2:11 video
Actually I wanted to update my website when I heard a crack, now I'm sitting on my office chair, tied up with a tight monoglove and a big penis gag with a front panel in my mouth. My legs were tied together with leather straps
37 photos; 6:11 video
Actually I wanted to go to the cosplay meeting, but I was put on the stairs and tied up, I got a big ball gag as a gag and nipple clamps which were connected by a cord with the painful nipple clamps so every movement with my hands on my nipples hurt.
5:45 video
I was held captive in a stable all day and tied up in various positions. I was not even able to call for help because I was permanently gagged. mmnnnnnpppphhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
4:31 video
This was a helpless Sunday in Latex and Bondage with my beloved Mistress.
81 photos; 7:37 video
Once again renee was allowed to lie around lazily, but this time not free but tied up with metal zip ties and wide leather straps, several clothespins were clamped to her nipples and she was gagged with a very large black ball gag. And finally, a very powerful vibrator was buzzing between her legs. So it was only possible for her to moan and squirm.
94 photos; 7:38 video
Gothic lady was tied to a chair with steel cuffs, gagged with a large ball gag, she could only make quiet sounds while she was constantly stimulated by the vibrator. She tugged wildly at the restraints but there is no escape from this arousing and helpless position...
122 photos; 11:37 video
There was once on a terrace a helpless renee fighting her Bondage and trying to call for help, but that didn’t work because her mouth was stuffed with a very big ball gag. The arms were tightly fixed on the back with a leather boxtie tie, the legs wide apart with a spreader bar. And the remote-controlled vibrator was for a little more fun...
78 photos; 10:06 video
I was tied up in my latex dress when I returned from the cosplay fair and my mouth was stuffed with a big ball gag. in my step a large vibrator was strapped and my hands were fixed with hand and thumb cuffs on the back. At the end I got a blindfold and was then left helplessly alone...
71 photos; 8:00 video
My Mistress said I could be a leather princess at the party we were going to, I was really happy and put on a beautiful leather dress and a crown. But then I was tied to the Bondagechair at home and gagged with a leather gag, I was given a vibrator under the skirt of my dress and then had to spend the evening like that alone.....
93 photos; 5:48 video
I was tied to a chair with leather cuffs and leather belts. My mouth was gagged with tape and nipple clamps with bells were attached to my nipples. My vibrator was being controlled remotely and I could do nothing but moan into my gag.
37 photos; 42:32 video
This time I was tied with zipties again, my hands were behind my back and a large ball gag was in my mouth, my legs were also tied with the zipties, I could struggle and moan in my gag, I had no chance of getting out of these restraints.
60 photos; 14:14 video
Renee was tied to the bondage bed by her Mistress, then the trembler was set up and connected to the cock. The harness panel gag was perfect as gag for this predicament, this one dampens the noises very much. Finally the nipple clamp puller were attached to the nipples, which caused a permanent sweet pain.